
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - September 2015

Complicated letters and simple answers of worried and unstable homes it is essential to send reply envelope with complete address. Don’t be hasty for reply.

Tired of questions
I have been in Riyadh since one year and have a good job, I don’t have any bad habit. Now when my family arranges for my marriage, the family of the girl sends their acquaintances to know about me. Many people have asked different types of questions from me. It might be satisfying for them but I don’t like it. My friends have told me about a lot of proposals but I don’t feel like it. My family will decide better. After getting anxious from all the questions, I myself reject the proposals. (Abdul majeed . Riyadh)
Answer: actually the people who question you don’t know about you, therefore don’t mind them. Marriage is a lifetime relationship, if they don’t acquaint themselves with you how can they associate their daughter with you. Don’t mind it; talking is the best way to get to know someone. This tells us about one’s way of thinking and you can also get to know other people. It is not nice to reject or accept anyone in anger.

The correct age of marriage:
Question: I am 32 years of age and still not married even though I am educated and normal looking in appearance. I have started to feel inferiority complex and am getting worried. I feel like this is the right age of marriage. If the time flies by, I will not be able to find a good match.  (Faiza, Rawalpindi)

Answer: you have not said what you have been doing after completing your education. Your age was suitable marriage earlier and it is also suitable now. If marriages took place by worrying, it would never have been a problem which is major concern in many homes. Doing nothing and waiting for a good proposal makes one bored and anxious. It would be better if you benefit from your education. Use your abilities and adopt a good pass time. Parents can contact trusted people for proposals, meaning those who are known to be good and serve people with selflessness and honesty. If a good match has been written in destiny, one finds it sooner or later. Pray for yourself, it will give you peace of heat and mind.

What was my fault?
We two brothers were engaged to two sisters. The elder brother got married first; they were not able to stay together for more than one year as my brother liked the girl in his office. She took divorce from her husband and told my brother to marry her as he has promised. My brother could not afford two wives therefore he divorced his wife and also returned all her things. I was not willing to breakup with my fiancée but after this episode she herself broke up the engagement because of which I am very depressed. I fight with my brother, if he had not done what he did, I would not have to suffer. My mother admonishes both of us, when I ask her to admonish only my brother, she gets unwell. (Zubair. Multan)
Answer: there is no benefit of fighting with your brother now as whatever bad impression has been casted, it cannot be reversed. How can people give another daughter someplace where one daughter was shattered, also whenever one sister saw her other sister in distress it must be very heartbreaking for her. She had the right to break the engagement. Now you should face the reality. It is most important to take care of your mother, think about her happiness and get hold of any happiness which dismays anyone else.

Feel disappointed:
I can talk on any topic, may it be a group of friends or an occasion, when I talk, and people listen. If someone wants to disagree, he does not stand a chance. Now I have felt that some jealous people don’t listen to me, rather they talk among themselves. It becomes quite disappointing when friends do it. (Kashif Peshawar)
Answer: some people love to talk and they keep on talking uselessly on every occasion, but such kind of useless talking, which is only meant to gain attention, is worthless. It is important to know about the topic about which you are talking, that you have complete grip over it and also important whether it is the occasion to discuss it. Don’t be scared of difference of opinion and never impose your beliefs on anyone. Try to understand the reality that friends or relatives, no one is bound to listen to your talk especially out of situation, therefore you should not be annoyed. The last point is that put practical effort to make yourself a better person. People will be happy to talk to you.
He loves me:
I am a student of a medical college. While completing this difficult education, there is one thing that is eating me inside. I like a boy, he also loves me. My family has agreed but his family has already engaged him within their family. Even if the boy breaks up the engagement, his parents will never engage him outside their family. There family is completely different from ours but what can I do, I cannot marry anyone besides him. (A. Q)
Answer: The boy has explained his position that if he wills, his parents will not marry him in another family. It is very good for you that you are not being associated with a family which dislikes you. Even if this relation had formed by force, your whole life would have passed in difficulty. Sometimes some undesirable decisions are better for one’s self. Accept the facts, even though as much as it is easy to say, it is extremely difficult practically but not impossible. Mentally strong people endure things which are against their temperament and they have the ability to compromise. Whatever the journey, the only rule to success is to assess its final consequences otherwise such problems are inflicted one after the other that one is unable to stabilize himself.

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